The Journey is Part of the Destination

I was reading one of the Jesus Calling blurbs this morning, and it made me think of my childhood. 

"I know every step of the journey ahead of you, all the way to heaven."

You see, my dad was in the military, so we used to move a lot. I remember one move when I was in the 6th grade. We were moving from Illinois to California. My dad always went ahead of us to get the house and things prepared for the rest of us, so for this particular trip, my blessed mother was lookin' at 2,000 miles in a (literally) packed to the roof van, with three high school/middle school-aged girls with a whole heap of emotional and pubescent issues. It could not have been a fun trip for my momma to think about, and I'm sure on some level, she wanted to do exactly what my dad did: blow through the drive in a day and a half so we could just get there. 

But that's not Mommy's way. She had made the decision long before to use each move as a chance to show her daughters the world around them, and that is just what we did. In that single move, we saw the Grand Canyon, Utah rock formations, and Pike's Peak, not to mention spent a very special birthday in a Kansas hotel with an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins.

I'm not saying the trip was all fun and games. There were moments of screaming, complaining, and crying. But as anxious/excited as we may be to get to our final destination, the point I'm trying to make is this:
 Don't rush it. There are a lot of great things to see on the way. 


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