Pride is a very sneaky thing.

Hi...I have a confession: I've needed prayer for a few days now, but kept talking myself out of asking because "I can deal with it" and "it's not that big" and "I don't want to bother people with my silly, little problems".....classic enemy tactics (pride) to keep me in a state of feeling overwhelmed and isolated. 

Well, no more!

So....I need prayer, please. :) I have a lot going on in my head and around me, and I just can't carry it on my own. God has shown up in SO many big ways the past few months, and I'll have a few days of basking in sheer awe at how He just worked out a problem so smoothly, then I'll look over and see the next "problem" and forget all about the way He just provided for me.


Why is it so hard to remember God's faithfulness? I mean really! I KNOW my God and I KNOW He's faithful and I KNOW He'll provide (He always has!), but I don't always FEEL that way. "Oh ye of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 8:26) :P Thank you, Jesus, for being patient with me!

Father, forgive me for my lack of faith, and help me reach out to the people You've put in my life to support and love me. I know I can't go through this life on my own strength, and I need help sometimes. Father, thank You for my life and the opportunities You've blessed me with. Thank you for the love of family and friends. And, truly, thank You most of all for Jesus, my Savior, who is always with me, working behind the scenes for me, and never leaves me (no matter how much I doubt :). May all praise and glory and honor be Yours. I love you. Amen.


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